Map of Women Voter’s Locations and Other Data

The locations of the homes of the Harris county women who paid the 1920 poll tax along with data on their marital status and race are shown on the following map. Hovering over a dot with your mouse displays the surname of the woman. Clicking it shows detailed data about the woman.

The colors of the dots on on the map can show various demographics about the women including

These are arranged in layers with color codes for each layer shown in the upper right corner of the map. The initial view shows the race of the women. To change the view, click off the layers you don’t wish to see. For example, to have the colors show Marital Status, click off Race of Woman in the triple square icon in the upper left corner of the map.

The locations of the homes are overlaid on several maps.

A basemap may be selected by clicking on the triple square icon in the upper left and choosing a map. The 1917 map can also be turned on or off with this icon.

The map may be zoomed using the scroll wheel of your mouse or by clicking on the + and - boxes in the upper left-hand corner of the map.
Please Note: The map may take five to ten seconds to appear on your screen.